Thursday, December 30, 2004


I’m thinking that maybe Aesop had it wrong....

With apologies to Aesop

Once there was this grasshopper
Who loved to play all day,
Or lay beneath the warming sun
And dream the hours away.

While his friend...a little ant,
Would work the whole day through
To round up all the food he could;
His stockpile grew and grew.

And he would chide the grasshopper
With words of sound advice:
"The summer's almost over
And soon the snow and ice...

Will cover all the land around
And there will be no food.
You'll spend each and every day
In a cold and hungry mood".

The grasshopper just smiled at him
And kept on with his play;
Then he lay back and dreamed some more
And this went on each day.

But soon the summer faded
And snow began to fall.
Then hunger hit the grasshopper
But there was no food at all.

But he refused to panic
He didn't rave or rant.
He just hopped down the icy road
And ate his friend, the ant.

MORAL:It's nice to be methodical
'Til all the work is gone.
But, in the end, the pragmatist
Is just the dreamer's pawn.


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